Monday, April 13, 2009

The silence night....

" The silence night…."

It's the silence night….
I sat under the shady old tree
Looking at the gloomy ocean 
In distant I could see
Alone and rested a while
Taking a nap to sleep soundly
And to hear the roaring of the whitening waves 
Striking the beach  
Now and then bravely !

It's the silence night….
I prefer to be alone here
Need no one and company beside me
To hear my need and desire
Admiring the beauty of the night secretly
Seeing stars twinkling above beautifully
While ships making its' journey 
Along the Strait of Melaka 
Moving slowly and peacefully !

It's the silence night….
I could feel the chilly breeze
Blowing roughly. brushing and tickling me
And I wonder whether it could put aside
The restless I'm holding firmly
I'm grabbing tightly
Could it be released freely
And the peacefulness I need so much
Could I achieved it here and right !

It's the silence night….
I'm walking alone here 
Along the lovely sandy beach
Remembering the journey
The routes and patched
The valleys and rallies
I've got through
And difficulties I had to face
And now I'm matured 
And feeling great
Though sometimes, I cried tearlessly
Suffering the fate !

It's the silence night….
I'll welcome you greatly and happily
If you could painting the word
Along the horizon beautifully
And whispering the sound of love clearly
Being friendly, frankly, showing respectful
And obedience towards me
And now I need to go home 
Leaving behind joy and happiness
And peacefulness if I could create it and see !

Created by,

Sjamsuri Abd. Razak
Date : 9th. April 2009.

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