Saturday, November 29, 2008

Teaching Mathematics to Learning Disabilities..

Teaching Mathematics to learning disabilities is a big challenge, but somehow I liked it very much. In fact I make it like a hobby. And every morning, during the school's day I'll give each student a card with questions written on it. They have to rewrite the questions on the board and have to answer them.

I was wondering what the students will do, next. And as usual, they just copied down the questions; looking at each other…"Hmm, it's easy, we have done it yesterday. We did it so many times before ," someone said. And others, will just followed and copied… Without even thinking whether it was correct or wrong!! Just like a parrot !

I liked to see their reaction. I wanted to find their weakness and why they had made mistakes. After they had finished their worked, then we had a discussion. And usually I'll give another five to eight questions as a written work, inside their exercise books.

I've done this for the passed twelve years . And I'm keep on experimenting on how to teach Mathematics for the Special Children and I am quite happy with it. Moreover some of them are much better than the normal students.

Written by,

Sjamsuri Abd. Razak

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