Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm not sure....

" I'm not sure…."

I'm not sure….
Either to keep on waiting
Patiently and anxiously
Seeing the love flowing swiftly
Smoothly and calm
Or let it blooming brightly
Under the sunlight
Freely !

I'm not sure….
Either whispering it to you openly
The sound of love and feeling 
That I hold secretly
Stirring the breeze gently
Make me cool and happy 
Or let it blooming brightly
Under the sunlight
Freely !

I'm not sure….
Whether you could tell me
Saying it friendly and frankly
And uphold the matter carefully
To be a friend as usual or a lover
As it could cherish the life
Make us wonder and amaze
Or let it blooming brightly
Under the sunlight
Freely !

I'm not sure….
Whether I could stand up bravely
And holding the flowers smilingly
To challenge the decisions 
Been make freely
And keep on walking as an army
Steady and happy
Or falling down sadly !

Created by,

Sjamsuri Abd. Razak
Date: 20th. March 2009.

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