Thursday, June 11, 2009

" If I could promise .... "

" If I could promise …."

If I could promise you happiness….
And make it become reality
I'll stand up cheerful and grinning broadly
To entertain and cherish
And waiting for you anxiously 
To open the door and entered the house
Smilingly and willingly!

If I could promise you happiness….
And make it become reality
I'll sent you a bouquet of flowers
That could fragrance the room nicely,
Make us cheerful and lively
And I'll whisper my love, to welcome you
And may Him, the Al-Mighty bless you always too !

If I could promise you happiness….
And make it become reality
I'll give you a wonderful gift
And let you be surprised unexpectedly,
And kissed you on the forehead and cheek
To touch and hold your hands tenderly
And be grateful to Him, the Al-Mighty and happy !

If I could promise you happiness….
And make it become reality
I'll guide you wisely and patiently
To achieve our dream and fantasy;
And may Him, the Al-Mighty lead us living happily
To live peacefully here and hereafter !

If I could promise you happiness….
And make it become reality
I'll be grateful to Him, the Al-Mighty
And I'll say salaam softly and sweetly to you;
And let's perform the prayers together
Hopefully we could become a great companion
And lasting forever !

Created by,

Sjamsuri Hj.Abd.Razak
Date: 11th. June 2009.

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